Southern Brazil Tour Departs 17 SEP 2020

24 day tour AUD 9,650


Southern Brazil Tour Prices & Airlines

The south of Brazil is not tropical. It offers a mild climate and an unparalleled scenic beauty!

It features a most impressive coastline flanked by high rising mountains and complemented by beautiful bays and small islands just offshore; extensive plateaus at 800-900m above sea level boasting peaks almost 2,000m high; lakes and rivers; picturesque country towns surrounded by lush pastures.

In a nutshell it’s a region without the typical inherent risks of tropical climates.

A Journey of Discovery

This is a relaxed “no rush – no fuss” tour. Travel is by way of a mini coach, ideally suited for the picturesque roads featured in our program.

Yet we provide quality hotel accommodation (see hotel list) with four night stops to maximise your comfort.



  • Meals, other than those included in the package. (Optional dinners are organised in typical restaurants).
  • Optional 3 course dinners with 1/4 bottle of wine and 1/2 bottle of water AUD 60.
  • Shows of Samba (in Rio) and Gaucha music (in Gramado) with typical dances.
  • Cable cars, cog train in Rio, entry into museums and fortresses.
  • Travel insurance.
  • Single accommodation supplement.


  • Return air travel flying Latam Airlines, economy class and two domestic flights.
  • Transfers from all airports to hotels and vice versa.
  • Air conditioned mini coach with English speaking tour guide.
  • Quality hotel accommodation with breakfast. (See hotel list in our program).
  • A wide range of excursions from all the major centres of the itinerary. These tours, provided at no extra cost, are on an optional basis.
  • Six dinners with 1/4 bottle of wine and 1/2 bottle of water.
  • Scenic train journeys at Sao Bento do Sul and Bento Goncalves.
  • Scenic cruise to the picturesque Isle of Anhatomirim.
  • Entrance fees to National Parks.
  • Optional extension to your International ticket.

Some Highlights

Rio de Janeiro – The city lies set between the sea, an immense bay and a dramatic back-drop of high rising mountains. Scenery, animation, lifestyle and entertainment will astound you.

Gastronomy – Prepare your palate. Brazil will amaze you with an infinity of simply delicious typical dishes, an incredible variety of tropical fruits. Typical restaurants provide a variety of meat on the spit (on unlimited basis) with up to 40 side dishes buffets.

Brazil Coastline – It’s one of the most beautiful and enchanting in the southern hemisphere. It offers unforgettable views of endless series of beautiful bays surrounded by lush green mountains and complemented by hundreds of picturesque islands just offshore.

Curitiba – The capital of the southern state of Paraná has a strong European flavour. Full of flower-lined squares with wide avenues and pedestrian malls, its modern sky-scrapers live happily side by side with genuine old European architecture.

Scenic Train Journey from Sao Bento do Sul (at 860m) to the town of Corupá (at 200m). This impeccable old fashion steam train, with heritage carriages, travels across a spectacular mountain range covered with pristine forests. After visiting Corupá we then drive back to Sao Bento do Sul via an equally scenic road.

Sao Francisco do Sul – Located on the banks of a beautiful bay, it’s the third oldest historic town of Brazil, dating back to 1504. Its picturesque architecture boasts more than 400 historic buildings well preserved by the National Heritage Institute of Brazil.

Gramado – It looks like a picturesque village from the Renaissance time. It’s a paradise of natural beauty, surrounded by lakes, valleys and waterfalls. Gramado is also famous for its excellent chocolate.

Isle of Anhatomirim – Small island at the mouth of the strait which separates the Isle of Florianopolis from the continent. It houses an impressive complex of Portuguese fortress buildings with lovely green terraces boasting a beautiful view over an unspoilt coastline.


Thu 17 Sep 11:30 – Departure form Sydney Airport flying LATAM AIRLINES to Rio de Janeiro, via Santiago,
16.30 – Same day arrival and transfer to hotel located on the ocean front of the premium district of Ipanema.
19.30 – Dinner at the hotel (included).

Rio de Janeiro: Botafogo Bay and Sugar Loaf

Fri 18 Sep Morning at leisure. Relax or stroll along the elegant seaside promenade of Ipanema.
14.00 – Guided orientation in the Ipanema district and adjacent Lake Rodrigo de Freitas.
19.30 – Optional dinner.

Sat 19 Sep 08.30 – Departure for Corcovado Peak, a spectacular granite mountain (800m high) overlooking Rio de Janeiro and its beautiful bay. Once we reach the bottom of the peak we get to the top by way of a very scenic cog train.
11.30 – Departure from Corcovado and return to hotel.
14.00 – Departure for Sugar Loaf, the famous hall-mark of Rio: a giant granite rock (300m high) dominating the entrance into the huge Guanabara Bay. Cable car to Hurca Hill and second cable car to the top of the Sugar Loaf.
17.00 – Departure from Sugar Loaf and return to hotel.
19.30 – An unforgettable optional dinner ! ! An unparalleled stylish feast, with unique features not to be found anywhere in the world!

Parati features a well preserved Portuguese Colonial Architecture

Sun 20 Sep 08.30 – Departure for Parati. This is one of the most scenic journeys along the southern coast. The road unwinds between high rising mountains, covered with forests, and splendid beaches flanked by hundreds of islands. Parati is one of the best preserved colonial towns in Brazil, so much so that cars are not allowed in! !
11.00 – Arrival in Parati. Guided orientation in Parati, lunch/snack and time at leisure.
14.30 – Departure from Parati and return to Rio deJaneiro.
19.30 – Optional dinner in spectacular restaurant overlooking the Bay of Botafogo, with Sugar Loaf in the background.
22.00 – Return to hotel or optional show of typical Brazilian music and dance.

Mon 21 Sep Late morning flight to Curitiba, the capital of the southern state of Paraná. Afternoon arrival and transfer to hotel.
19.30 – Dinner at the hotel (included).

Tue 22 Sep 08.30 – Guided orientation of Curitiba on foot covering the main highlights of the city centre. Curitiba is located on a plateau at 900m and enjoys a very mild climate. Afternoon at leisure.
19.30 – Optional dinner.

A scenic road links Curitiba (at 900m) to Paranaguá (at sea level) through a mountain range with peaks of 2000m

Wed 23 Sep 08.30 – Departure for the historic town of Paranaguá set on the Atlantic coastline. This drive – along a picturesque country road – unwinds through a spectacular mountain range. Late morning arrival and local orientation. Time at leisure.
15.00 – Departure and return to Curitiba by way of a modern freeway.
17.00 – Arrival at the hotel.
19.30 – Optional dinner.

Thu 24 Sep 08.30 – Departure for Vila Velha, where thousands of years of erosion have sculptured the mountains into incredible shapes. Local sightseeing and scenic walk. After lunch/snack we go back to Curitiba, but before returning to the hotel we drive to some prominent districts of the city and we also stop at a park featuring the early historic homes of the first settlers.
19.30 – Optional dinner.

Sao Bento do Sul – German influence is clearly shown in the main mall and our charming hotel

Fri 25 Sep 08.30 – Departure for the town of Sao Bento do Sul, located on a plateau at 860m in the State of Santa Catarina. Early afternoon arrival.
15.00 – Local orientation on foot covering the main highlights of this town originally founded more than 200 years ago by German settlers.
19.30 – Local dinner (included).

Sao Francisco do Sul is one of the best preserved historical towns in Brazil

Sat 26 Sep 08.30 – Transfer to railway station where we board an historic steam train for a scenic journey through unspoilt mountains and valleys to reach the town of Corupá at 200m above sea level. Local sightseeing and lunch. Return to Sao Bento do Sul by way of an impeccable mountain road which climbs back to the town altitude of 860m.
18.30 – Arrival at the hotel.
19.30 – Dinner in local restaurant (included).

A scenic steam train travels through mountains and valleys to the town of Corupá (above)

Sun 27 Sep 08.30 – Scenic downhill drive to Barra do Sul which boasts a parkland by the sea with a host of attractions! A spectacular cable car , travelling 3 Km along the coastline is highly recommended. The cable car stops at an intermediate station with good facilities, a look-out and another major attraction: you can board an electric sled on rail for a ride through the Atlantic Forest. The cable car ends the journey on a beautiful beach with plenty of facilities.
15.30 – Departure from the parkland.
18.00 – Arrival back in Sao Bento do Sul.
19.30 – Optional dinner.

Southern Brazil Bento do Sul - 27 Sep
A cable car travels 3km along the coast to a nice beach and makes one look-out stop

Mon 28 Sep 08.30 – Departure for the historic town of Sao Francisco do Sul, set on the banks of the beautiful Bay of Babitonga. This scenic downhill drive unwinds through the lush green countryside of the north eastern district of the State of Santa Catarina. Late morning arrival and local orientation in Sao Francisco do Sul which boasts more than 400 well preserved historic buildings, all of them classified as National Heritage. Time at leisure.
15.00 – Departure from Sao Francisco do Sul.
18.00 – Arrival back in Sao Bento do Sul.
19.30 – Optional dinner.

This picturesque road crosses the Serra do Mar mountain range from Sao Bento do Sul (at 860m) to the entry gate of Joinville almost at sea level

Tue 29 Sep 08.30 – Scenic drive across the Serra do Mar mountain range which lies in between Sao Bento do Sul and the Atlantic Ocean.
10.30 – Arrival at the city gate of Joinville (almost at sea level) which boasts an interesting Expo Centre. After a local visit we continue heading north to reach a picturesque country road flanked by green mountains and dotted with traditional farmlets and small lakes. Lunch in a picturesque country restaurant. After lunch, return to Sao Bento do Sul.
17.00 – Arrival back at the hotel.
19.30 – Optional dinner.

Downtown Gramado

Wed 30 Sep 08.30 – Departure for Gramado, located in Rio Grande do Sul, which is Brazil southern most state. Gramado is a lovely town at 900m in a region famous for lush pastures, cattle and chocolate.
18.00 – Arrival at the hotel.
19.30 – Dinner at the hotel (included).

Thu 01 Oct 08.30 – Local sightseeing and visit to Lake Negro. Time at leisure in the beautiful garden setting of Gramado, graced by Tyrolean style architecture. Return to hotel.
15.45 – Visit to local chocolate factory and Canela Canyon.
17.30 – Return to hotel.
18.00 – “Café Colonial” (included): local specialty not to be missed!
19.30 – Optional dinner.

This steam train travels through the picturesque vineyards of Bento Gonçalves (above)

Fri 02 Oct 08.30 – Departure for the town of Bento Gonçalves. Scenic drive through some picturesque districts in the outskirts of Bento Gonçalves prior to entering the downtown area. Enjoy a visit to a local historic complex in a beautiful parkland and time for lunch.
14.00 – Scenic journey on a steam train across the picturesque undulated wine district of southern Brazil. One stop is made enroute with free wine tasting. Our coach will be at the arrival end of the journey (town of Carlos Barbosa) to pick up the group.
18.30 – Arrival back in Gramado.
19.30 – Optional dinner.

Cable car at Caracol National Park

Sat 03 Oct 08.30 – Departure for Caracol National Park and Feradura Valley. Local cable car and scenic walk.
12.00 – Departure from Feradura and return to hotel.
15.00 – Departure for Serra Azul Ranch. Local sightseeing and return to Gramado.
19.30 – Optional dinner in typical restaurant with live show.

The town of Laguna

Sun 04 Oct 08.30 – Scenic drive from Gramado at 900m all the way down to the Atlantic Ocean. Then it’s onward, heading north along the coastline getting back into the State of Santa Catarina to reach Laguna.
17.00 – Arrival at the hotel on prime ocean front.
19.30 – Dinner in local restaurant (included).

Mon 05 Oct 08.30 – Short transfer to the historical downtown district and guided sightseeing covering the main highlights of Laguna. Local lunch/snack and return to hotel. Afternoon at leisure.
19.30 – Optional dinner.

This spectacular road leads to the plateau of Bom Jardim da Serra at 1460m above sea level

Tue 06 Oct 08.30 – Very scenic drive along a winding road which climbs to the Plateau of Bom Jardim da Serra at 1460m above sea level, via the spectacular mountain chain of Serra do Rio Rastro. Local sightseeing and short drive to a scenic restaurant for a special lunch.
17.30 – Arrival back in Laguna.
19.30 – Optional dinner.

The picturesque unspoilt island of Anhatomirim and its old Portuguese Fortress

Wed 07 Oct 08.30 – Departure for the peninsula of Celso Ramos heading north along the coastline. Scenic drive along the peninsula. Local sightseeing and lunch by the sea in picturesque restaurant at Antenor Bay.
14.00 – Embarkation for the tiny hilly island of Anhatomirim, which was a fortress stronghold (during Portuguese colonial times). Visit to the scenic complex of fortress-buildings, built at different levels, with impressive sweeping views over the Atlantic Ocean.
17.00 – Return to Antenor Bay.
18.30 – Arrival back in Laguna.
19.30 – Optional dinner.

Thu 08 Oct 08.30 – Departure for Curitiba Airport. Early afternoon arrival and mid/late afternoon flight to Rio de Janeiro.

Fri 09 Oct 02.00 – LATAM AIRLINES flight back to Sydney via Santiago.

Sat 10 Oct 17.30 – Arrival at Sydney Airport.


We believe that you are entitled to know exactly what you get for your money and that’s why we clearly state not only the number of stars but also the location of the hotels we use.

Unless you are in a rush tour, where you get to the hotel late at night and leave early morning, we do believe that a good location makes a world of difference to the quality of your holiday.

Rio de Janeiro: HOTEL SOL IPANEMA. This four star hotel is located in prime ocean front in the most upmarket district of Rio: Ipanema, imortalised by the world famous song “The girl from Ipanema”. The view of the bay graced by two slender peaks almost 1,000m high at one end and green islands just offshore make it unique and exclusive.

Curitiba: HOTEL SLAVIERO PALACE. Very classy four star hotel in the heart of Curitiba. Located in a small cul de sac is unaffected by the noise of city traffic. It’s adjacent to the main elegant pedestrian mall of the city.

Sao Bento do Sul: HOTEL STELTER. Charming superior class three star hotel. It is in a central, yet quiet location and it’s the best downtown hotel boasting a high level of comfort.

Gramado: HOTEL SERRA AZUL. Excellent four star hotel in the very centre of this picturesque mountain resort. Everything is at your finger tips.

Laguna: RAVENA CASSINO HOTEL. This huge  complex, surrounded by a private park, on the main Ocean Promenade, for some unknown reason is only classified three star as there are no four star hotels in Laguna.

4 in Rio de Janeiro, 4 in Curitiba, 5 in Sao Bento do Sul, 4 in Gramado, 4 in Laguna